An info screen without a communication app is merely a blank screen

Planning on purchasing an info screen? Keep in mind that the screen is only a tool for presenting content. In this article we will tell you why equipment alone will not solve your problem, why a home TV is not ideal as an info screen, and how to proceed with the purchase.

An info screen is the television in the company’s entrance lobby? No, it's much more. When you are planning an info screen purchase, we recommend taking some time to familiarize yourself with what you actually need.

What kind of screen or screens do you need, and who will be the supplier? Even more important is the fact that you need a communication application to go together with the hardware. Otherwise, you'll only have fancy screens without the ability to control the content you want to display.

So, what is the most cost-effective digital signage solution for your business? The answer is simple. You have to be able to publish content quickly and easily in different formats, various screens, in all offices. The content must be immediately accessible to the entire staff. Communication must be easy and flexible, not tied to time or place.

How to proceed with your info screen purchase

When you’re planning an info screen purchase, first you need to know what you are buying. Simplified, you need two things.

You need an info screen designed for professional use. Or several, depending on how you are planning on using the screens. An actual screen is often the first thing that comes to mind when purchasing an info screen. No problem with that! You will thank yourself later for choosing your digital signage equipment carefully together with a professional.

Internal communication isn’t meant to be technical and difficult.

But you also need something else that people tend to overlook. In addition to the equipment, you need a communication application to display your content on the screens. The communication app or software is an even more important part of the purchase than the screens. Without the app, you only have screens and no management tool for your content. You won't be able to do the thing the screens were purchased for. Communication!

A home TV makes a bad info screen

Considering purchasing a regular home television as your company's info screen? This is why it’s a bad choice.

At a quick glance, a home TV and a professional info screen may resemble each other. Professional screens often have a plain overall appearance and lack visible buttons. However, the essential differences are elsewhere.

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An info screen is designed to withstand constant use. After all, it might be on 24/7. In the long run, that is something a home TV cannot handle. In continuous use, it may also overheat and be a safety hazard for your company.

A regular TV has to be turned on and off manually, whereas an info screen can be controlled automatically if necessary. Preset the points of time for turning the screen on and off and reduce unnecessary energy consumption. The screen is always on when you need it to be, and off when it isn’t needed.

It’s also often much brighter at the office than in your living room. A professional screen must be significantly brighter than a home TV. Unlike regular home TV’s, info screens are also available for outdoor use. Outdoor screens are designed to withstand humidity and changing weather conditions.

What kind of info does your work community ask for?

Once your new digital signage system is all set, it may seem like a good idea to share easily accessible random content such as greetings and social media posts without a particular plan. However, we recommend taking some time for planning your internal communication.

When you want to publish, you don't need to be physically at a specific workstation.

What do you want to achieve? What kind of information do your employees really need for their daily work? When internal communication is effective and information is quickly available to everyone, it has a positive effect on people's well-being, motivation, and commitment to work.

An info screen and an easy-to-use communication app are a powerful combo

cNow communication app makes internal communication more flexible. Target and automate your content in advance, and free up time for more essential tasks. You can easily add new screens to new locations and display the same – or different – content as on the existing screens.

When you want to publish, you don't need to be physically at a certain workstation. You can use the cloud-based cNow app anywhere, anytime. The app makes sure that the content you publish always looks smart and elegant on all devices..

cNow can be integrated with the most common software and applications. It means that your systems produce information for cNow app, which presents the information automatically. No more browsing for crucial information in different places. When all your info is centralized in one application, it makes life easier for both employees and communications experts.

Book a free demonstration

Are you interested in cNow communication app and its possibilities? Would you like to strengthen the well-being of your work community with effective internal communication?

We promise you will learn how to use cNow app in 10 minutes.

Contact us and book a free demonstration!

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